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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: STORAGE: where you don't expect to find it!

Pages: 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 21, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 117, 134


STORAGE: where you don't expect to find it!

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: What's going on behind these movable walls?

Pages: 56, 57, 131


What's going on behind these movable walls?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: Very very versatile

Pages: 58, 59


Very very versatile

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: We couldn't find a wasted inch --can you?

Pages: 60, 61, 62, 63, 132, 133


We couldn't find a wasted inch --can you?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: LILIES-- kaleidoscope of bloom

Pages: 64, 65


LILIES-- kaleidoscope of bloom

Plant lily bulbs in the fall as soon as they are delivered. They are never fully dormant and should not be left lying around. Since perfect drainage is your main cue to success, have the soil prepared with plenty of peat moss and coarse sand.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: What it's like to move to FLORIDA

Pages: 66, 67, 122, 124, 126, 127, 129


What it's like to move to FLORIDA

Across the sandy Florida peninsula-- which juts seaward from the mainland more than 400 miles-- there is an invisible line that divides the state into two distinct halves. It crosses the state about a third of the way down the peninsula, roughly from Daytona Beach on the East Coast to Tarpon Springs on the West Coast. Coincidentally, it runs almost exactly along the new Interstate Highway 4, a fourlane freeway.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: Paint a pumpkin

Page: 74


Paint a pumpkin

THERE'S no doubt that old Jack O'Lantern will continue to brighten many a window at Halloween. But if you want a variation of the theme, try some of the unusual heads pictured above. Let the shape dictate the face you choose. Cover some with spray enamel, then with a sharp kitchen knife in hand, start carving a pumpkin character!

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: Spooky cupcakes

Page: 108


Spooky cupcakes

Witch's Pussycat (top left) is on the prowl! He, like his ghostly friends, is made from a 3-inch cupcake (use a mix or recipe). Ears are hollow licorice twists; bend to shape, then insert one end of toothpick in hollow to hold erect, other end in cake. Eyes are a black jelly bean halved lengthwise, cut side out. Red gumdrop is bright nose.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: With Better Homes & Gardens' Eastern field editor

Page: 110


With Better Homes & Gardens' Eastern field editor

Moles are not responsible for eating your lilies-- although a lawyer would call the moles accessories after the fact. Moles make tunnels in the earth in their search for insect grubs, and then mice use these tunnels as highways to the roots and tubers of plants. Your first step should be to eliminate the moles-- best done by depriving them of their insect food. Use a good grub-killing chemical in the area where you will be planting lilies this fall.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: Everything at your finger tips!

Pages: 112, 114


Everything at your finger tips!

GOOD kitchen storage is more than a question of finding space for everything. It's storing things so they're right at your finger tips whenever you need them. And we have ideas here for everybody. If you're planning a new kitchen, you'll want to consider the specialized units we show. If you are fixing up an old kitchen, you'll want to include organizers that tack on, add to, or set in.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: How to tell your daughter why she must keep her self-respect

Pages: 118, 121


How to tell your daughter why she must keep her self-respect

When young people raise the question, "Why not go all the way?" they are usually confronted with two dire warnings. One, the danger of pregnancy. Two, the danger of venereal disease. Both are very real dangers. But neither is, in the truest sense, a valid argument for virginity.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: How to get plans for FIVE STAR homes

Page: 133


How to get plans for FIVE STAR homes

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1961 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 148


the man next door

America can never be morally bankrupt so long as it has little girls like Judy, who worries about the songbirds in our neighborhood that haven't yet started for their winter homes in the South.

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