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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Our Christmas DOLL FAMILY

Page: 6


Our Christmas DOLL FAMILY

They are animated store-window dolls, these "little people" from many lands who are living happily as one family on our Christmas cover and food pages. The setting is Christmas time in America at the turn of the century, and in the holiday spirit, Mr. George Silvestri, president of Silvestri Art Company, Chicago, here shares his displays.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Communism article stirs big response

Page: 9


Communism article stirs big response

Our September article "Don't Let Your Youngster Learn about Communism the Hard Way!" caused our biggest flood of reader mail in years. Almost every one of these unsolicited letters commended author (and Better Homes & Gardens editor) George Bush for presenting the facts about Communism versus Democracy in a down-to-earth, understandable way. Sample comments from across the country:

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: On Christmas Eve

Pages: 10, 13, 14


On Christmas Eve

The various churches seek to dramatize the meanings of Christmas in many ways. Traditionally, Roman Catholics hold midnight services. Christmas is derived from Christ-plus-Mass, and provision is made for each priest to offer three masses on Christmas Day. The first, and for many the most impressive, is at midnight on Christmas Eve.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Book learning ain't what it used to be!

Pages: 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26


Book learning ain't what it used to be!

The behavior of a physics class at New York's Collegiate School for Boys was enough to astound anyone familiar with the natural exuberance of teen-agers. Whenever the teacher left the room --sometimes for as long as half an hour-- the eleventh-graders continued studying quietly! And as soon as the teacher returned, hands flew up all over the place as the youngsters, eager to learn more, began asking dozens of questions.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Amazing mobiles, candy trees, and birds of a gaudy feather

Pages: 34, 35


Amazing mobiles, candy trees, and birds of a gaudy feather

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: THE CHRISTMAS CAT

Pages: 44, 45, 87, 88



Mr. Whiskers: Now let me see if you two kittens can remember all the things I've taught you. Mitten, you first. Mitten: Well, I'm supposed to stand on the street corner, hold out a cup, look for a well-dressed gentleman to pass and then I say (very sorrowfully), "Please, sir, give a penny to this poor boy." How's that?

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: There's always a gift for a handyman

Pages: 46, 47, 98


There's always a gift for a handyman

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Young people's gift to Houston

Pages: 48, 49, 50, 86


Young people's gift to Houston

One crisp November afternoon in 1958, Mrs. Jane Hale Rommel was sweeping out the last few leaves blown into her garage by a Texas "norther" the day before. The place was a mess-- more like a stable than a garage, she thought.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Every season is merrier in a house like this!

Page: 51


Every season is merrier in a house like this!

Comfortably at home in the snows of a traditional New England winter, this house makes living more fun in any season. In fact, a wall of glass in the living room brings the natural pleasure of every season right into the house-- proof that sliding glass doors are as delightful in a cold climate as in the South.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Kitchen on a COLOR SPREE!

Pages: 52, 53


Kitchen on a COLOR SPREE!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Surprise For Santa!

Pages: 56, 57


Surprise For Santa!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: Carpet news

Page: 63


Carpet news

Youthful, lively colors underfoot and patterns pretty as dress fabric will give your floors a completely new look in 1962. New, too, is a sensible method of rating or recommendation which will help you choose the correct wearing quality to suit your carpet needs, depending on the use your family gives a carpet.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: SMART COOK ...

Page: 77



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: The beauty and meaning of the Jewish holidays

Page: 84


The beauty and meaning of the Jewish holidays

As a boy, I once asked my parents if Santa Claus were Jewish. To me, it wasn't a ridiculous question. I hadn't yet connected Santa Claus or Christmas with the birth of Christ.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1961 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 102


the man next door

When Martin Daly's firm gave him an unusually generous Christmas bonus, he thanked his boss and said it was undeserved, unexpected, and already spent.

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