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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: How to cure a BAD CODE

Page: 8


How to cure a BAD CODE

ST. LOUIS HAS DONE IT. A lot of tireless people have tackled the worst of housing's several costly problems-- an outdated building code-- and have hammered out a solution that is truly community inspired. This is just the kind of fuss we've been trying to kick up during recent months, and we believe the accomplishment deserves countrywide recognition. (See "Don't let 'gas-light' codes waste your housing dollars!", March, 1959 and "Could houses cost less?", June, 1961.)

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Are charge accounts for teen-agers necessarily a bad idea?

Page: 10


Are charge accounts for teen-agers necessarily a bad idea?

Teen-age charge accounts have spread throughout the country. Stores offering such plans usually permit credit at age 14 or 15, and some even at 13.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Fireplace grate becomes a unique patio planter

Page: 10


Fireplace grate becomes a unique patio planter

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Make way for more mirror in the bathroom

Page: 10


Make way for more mirror in the bathroom

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: When they say,

Page: 12


When they say, "What can we do?" let them make hats of paper

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Planter boxes on casters make movable dividers

Page: 12


Planter boxes on casters make movable dividers

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Screening a tree house makes it a summer room for the youngsters

Page: 15


Screening a tree house makes it a summer room for the youngsters

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Keep your house plants happy while you are away

Page: 15


Keep your house plants happy while you are away

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Every driver in your family should know this!

Page: 16


Every driver in your family should know this!

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Divide that big bathroom for more convenience

Page: 16


Divide that big bathroom for more convenience

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Swing-out garden workbench is handy in garage or carport

Page: 21


Swing-out garden workbench is handy in garage or carport

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Use a screen to close off a stairway

Page: 22


Use a screen to close off a stairway

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: A new wrinkle for planting beds--corrugated edging

Page: 22


A new wrinkle for planting beds--corrugated edging

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Here's a really smart bench that's easy to build

Page: 24


Here's a really smart bench that's easy to build

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: There's more than one way to use planter boxes

Page: 24


There's more than one way to use planter boxes

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Window well cover for potted plants

Page: 24


Window well cover for potted plants

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Chain-link mesh--a perfect trellis

Page: 24


Chain-link mesh--a perfect trellis

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Build a small patio pool for a restful setting

Page: 27


Build a small patio pool for a restful setting

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: SMART COOK...

Page: 27



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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Translucent plastic panels for garden gates

Page: 28


Translucent plastic panels for garden gates

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Sand pool will keep the kids busy for hours

Page: 28


Sand pool will keep the kids busy for hours

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: How to build a garden in the shade

Page: 28


How to build a garden in the shade

Having trouble with a shady spot in your garden? No need to. You can easily turn it into a place of beauty-- a real asset to your landscape. All you need for success is a proper selection of plants and general garden knowledge.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Steps, walks, paving methods

Page: 31


Steps, walks, paving methods

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: The automobile is here to stay

Page: 32


The automobile is here to stay

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Plan bumpers, landing strips

Page: 33


Plan bumpers, landing strips

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Deck and shade structures

Page: 34


Deck and shade structures

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Increase living area

Page: 35


Increase living area

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Good ways with outdoor lighting

Pages: 36, 37


Good ways with outdoor lighting

To get a good idea of what you will need in a permanent outdoor lighting installation, experiment with clamp-on or extension lamps with 40-, 60-, and 75-watt bulbs. Use temporary reflectors, such as aluminum foil, to direct light.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Screens, seats, and planters

Pages: 38, 39


Screens, seats, and planters

Plan to have light, airy screening for privacy and protection around your garden. Also, use short sections where partial screening is desired for separation within the garden.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Outdoor storage cabinets

Pages: 40, 41


Outdoor storage cabinets

For easier gardening and outdoor living, everyone needs a convenient place to store equipment such as tools, the barbecue grill, hobby items, and games.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Recreation areas for adults and for children

Pages: 42, 43


Recreation areas for adults and for children

The whole family can have much more enjoyment and healthful exercise from a lawn by converting a part of it for a multi-use game court.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Planning ideas you can use

Page: 44


Planning ideas you can use

1 Plan your projects in detail on paper, preferably on lined graph paper. This not only will eliminate costly mistakes, but also will give you a good perspective on the over-all plan.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: A garden bench curved to fit

Page: 45


A garden bench curved to fit

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Wood retaining wall for a natural touch

Page: 45


Wood retaining wall for a natural touch

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: You can grow grass in the shade, too!

Page: 45


You can grow grass in the shade, too!

It is perfectly possible for you to have grass in a shady spot-- providing you plant the right kind and give it the proper maintenance.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: ELEGANT ANTIQUES CIRCA 1800-25

Pages: 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 101



These were the great early years of the White House. In this Girandole looking glass with its symbolic Federal eagle is reflected the elegance of the just-dawning 19th Century-- the time of Presidents Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: What it's really like to move to CALIFORNIA

Pages: 56, 57, 89, 90, 91, 92


What it's really like to move to CALIFORNIA

One of the best-kept secrets in the U.S.A. is the fact that there's no such place as California. Californians are the first to admit it.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Fresh air, fresh fish, and a man's touch

Pages: 58, 59


Fresh air, fresh fish, and a man's touch

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Today's version of the salt box

Pages: 60, 61


Today's version of the salt box

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Added: A traditional new face

Pages: 62, 63


Added: A traditional new face

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Added: A traditional personality

Pages: 62, 63


Added: A traditional personality

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: So nice to come home to!

Pages: 86, 87


So nice to come home to!

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: What to do for a child who suffers from HAY FEVER!

Page: 94


What to do for a child who suffers from HAY FEVER!

For an estimated four million American youngsters, there is nothing funny about the sniffles, sneezes, and red eyes resulting from ragweed pollen or the seeds of other drying weeds. It is physically and emotionally exhausting. Also, at least one-third of the youngsters whose allergy is not treated develop asthma, which can cripple and kill.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: How to get plans for FIVE STAR homes

Page: 95


How to get plans for FIVE STAR homes

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: Luxury lodge? Look again!

Pages: 96, 97


Luxury lodge? Look again!

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: HURRAY for the housewarming party!

Page: 100


HURRAY for the housewarming party!

When is your new home ready for its official unveiling? The time is ripe for entertaining from the instant the first barrel arrives till the moment you have ordered everything from attic to basement. Don't wait for that pink-cloud state of perfection to give a housewarming party.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1961 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 104


the man next door

Bill Norman bragged that although there were 23,869,751,000 packages of cigarettes sold last year, he did not buy a single one of them.

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