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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: IDEAS IN ACTION

Pages: 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 24, 29, 30, 32, 34, 37



The lady of the house will be delighted to display her collection of cook books and spices in a cabinet that keeps them handy, neat, and decorative. This one, in the kitchen of Mrs. Andrew Conze, Palos Verdes Estates, California, is natural wood outside and Chinese red inside.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: The weekend father

Page: 40


The weekend father

When he came out of his hotel room, Will Dever went straight to the telegraph desk and sent a wire to Laurie, his daughter: "Happy birthday. Would give anything to be with you and Mother today. All my love. Dad."

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: COLOR IS A WAY OF LIFE

Pages: 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 108, 130, 131



Or to put it another way, people who live in drab houses shouldn't. Once upon a time, color cost money, and the average family on an average budget couldn't afford colorful furnishings, colorful appliances, colorful accessories, or colorful anything.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: FLOWERS THAT NEVER GREW

Pages: 68, 69, 132



DRAWINGS OF FLOWERS make perfect designs for embroidery. They abound in books, prints, old herbals, and current magazines-- and most of them need very little pruning and rearranging. To arrive at the designs here, old botanical drawings were traced. First the roots were trimmed, then the extra leaves and stems, varying their curves to fit the area to be decorated.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: Gourmet's favorite--Chicken Kiev

Page: 88


Gourmet's favorite--Chicken Kiev

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: YOU can win the $10,000 first prize in Better Homes and Gardens home improvement competition

Pages: 92, 108, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122


YOU can win the $10,000 first prize in Better Homes and Gardens home improvement competition

Any project you enter in this contest is eligible to carry away the big money, because your entry competes only with others of the same size and scope.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: It's NEWS to me!

Pages: 96, 97


It's NEWS to me!

Create an original table lighter from a favorite keepsake. Kit includes assembled prefueled butane lighter action, quick-fitting accessories, instructions, plus several design suggestions. For bases, use available objects, such as plated baby shoes, antiques, trophies, glassware, or small bowls.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: Murals add a spacious look

Page: 100


Murals add a spacious look

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: How to take a small child shopping

Page: 102


How to take a small child shopping

Many a mother of a preschooler feels that if she can't afford a sitter while she's shopping, she might as well stay home. I have found that it's not only possible to go shopping with a small child, it can actually be fun for both of you. There's something about a youngster which makes clerks and other customers helpful and friendly. And the companionship of a son or daughter reacting to the great big wonderful world of stores can prove a delight instead of a chore.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: Metal refinishing ... the right way

Pages: 105, 106


Metal refinishing ... the right way

THE MOST SKILLED handyman is often a dismal flop when it comes to metal refinishing. Usually, the mistake is made at the start when not enough importance is given to careful application of metal primers.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: This room just looks big

Page: 112


This room just looks big

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: Behold the magic in a child's book

Pages: 124, 125


Behold the magic in a child's book

Any parent who wants to broaden his child's reading must have some knowledge of children's books-- not as they were in his youth, but as they are today. An appreciation of children's books can best be acquired by reading them, but for many adults, this prospect is an alarming one.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: Can you arrange accessories?

Page: 126


Can you arrange accessories?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: No buffet? Solve it with SHELVES

Page: 127


No buffet? Solve it with SHELVES

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: Man-style Furniture

Pages: 128, 129


Man-style Furniture

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: SHOPPING BY MAIL with Better Homes & Gardens

Pages: 134, 135


SHOPPING BY MAIL with Better Homes & Gardens

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1962 Magazine Article: The man next door

Page: 136


The man next door

Uncle Dodd Buckner felt it his duty to buy a retired milk cow, a pony, a goat, and a crate of chickens for his farm. "Kids don't come visiting to ride a truck, pet a tractor, or throw crumbs to a power mower," he said.

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