Pages: 8, 11, 13
If your son plays baseball ...
YOU may feel a certain nostalgia about those dusty baseball afternoons of your youth-- that one lone ball that continually got lost, tender memories of long, carefree days. But that kind of baseball isn't played much anymore. Youngsters currently are more organized, have better equipment-- and more of them are playing than ever before. The nostalgia may be gone, but the quality of the product is far better.
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Pages: 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 119
Ideas in Action/Peace and Quiet at Home
Less expensive than you think, privacy screens added to any outdoor area will let you get more use from it than ever before. Planning is the most important ingredient-- a couple of hours with pad and pencil this evening can save you both money and time.
Read ArticlePages: 56, 57
Is there a work addict in your family?
In this new Better Homes & Gardens series, Family Features Editor Neil Kuehnl will talk with leading authorities about many of the challenging family problems of our times. This month's discussion is with Dr. Nelson Bradley, chief of psychiatric studies at Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois.
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Color that starts table talk
Monotonous tables shouldn't be! Nowadays there's no excuse for them. China and pottery-- never more colorful or more varied-- run a gamut of rainbow hues, exotic borders, and floral prints. You'll find a bold expression of color in the tableware itself-- and even more subdued patterns gain authoritative voices with vivid cloths and mats beneath.
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Pages: 66, 67
Pages: 68, 69, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119
Another trip yon owe your family
Nature and history have collaborated to make certain sections of America nearly perfect vacation spots. Last month we took you to one of these areas-- the small, historic triangle marked by Washington, Gettysburg, and Philadelphia. This month we visit another-- New England-- by using a newly devised circle route and less than two weeks' time. In future issues, our travel editors will outline several other trips each American family should take.
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The tragedy of an overprotective mother
As he climbed out of bed, Jim Magruder paused to enjoy the view from his window. Below him, the sweep of suburban lawn dipped into a web of trees, then rose on a swell of hillside made bright by the early sun. To the left, he could see the newly landscaped lawn of the Randall family's house.
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Announcing the 1961 COOKOUT CONTEST winners
Last June and July, we asked men to send us their favorite outdoor recipes-- no holds barred-- from hot dogs to a side of beef, from over-the-coals appetizers to patio salads. We received thousands of superb entries showing the great and uninhibited cooking flair of America's outdoor chefs. Below is a list of the 100 outdoor cooking grill winners.
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Pages: 112, 113
It's NEWS to me!
Keep slides in order. Each plastic container holds three trays of 40 slides each. Interlocking device on units hold them in place when stacked on top of one another. Selfstick labels for easy identification are provided with each tray.
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Page: 122
the man next door
The best medicine to take on these fragrant days of early summer is a deep breath. Repeat as often as necessary.
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