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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: What does it cost to borrow on life insurance?

Page: 8


What does it cost to borrow on life insurance?

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: When is a raise not really a raise?

Page: 8


When is a raise not really a raise?

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: How do you teach a child the value of money?

Pages: 8, 12


How do you teach a child the value of money?

Answering that question requires many years-- of your best child-rearing strategy. A youngster's attitudes toward money develop slowly through instruction, example, and personal experience. It's your job to see that your child gets as much of each as possible. Here's how:

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: What items should you keep in a safe-deposit box?

Page: 12


What items should you keep in a safe-deposit box?

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: What's the simplest way to handle a will?

Pages: 12, 19


What's the simplest way to handle a will?

You need not list all your possessions-- or even know how much you are worth-- to make your will. Ordinarily, it is easiest and best to leave some specific property to named persons, and then direct your executor to distribute the rest on some kind of a percentage basis to all your other heirs.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: How long will it take to double your money?

Page: 19


How long will it take to double your money?

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: IT'S NEWS TO ME!

Page: 21



All-purpose safety light that floats is perfect for boating, camping, or hunting. Throws a quartermile beam and has a built-in red flasher for highway safety. Operates on a 6-volt battery.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: What's new for your floors?

Pages: 24, 70, 71, 72, 73


What's new for your floors?

More color than ever! On these four pages our special printing process shows how the mood of a room changes with the color of the floor covering, whether vinyl or carpet. After you've seen these colorful floors, read how to choose the one for you, page 24.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: WRONGS MADE RIGHT

Pages: 26, 28, 30, 34, 38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55



Decorating is easy to do wrong, but if you know what you're doing, it's just as easy to do right. On the following pages, we show some decorating wrongs and rights. As you go through them, see if you can tell (before we tell you) which is the better of each pair of photos we show.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: A fine house that can be built for $11,000

Pages: 56, 57


A fine house that can be built for $11,000

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: Place mats by the yard!

Pages: 58, 59


Place mats by the yard!

Pep up your table with a wardrobe of made-by-you place mats-- as practical as they are pretty. One of the easiest ways to give table settings a new look is to change the color, shape, or design of the place mats. We have eased the effort on your part with original designs that anyone can copy-- all in ample size to hold a place setting. There's a refreshing variety here to choose from.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: Complete picture-steps to growing magnificent roses

Pages: 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65


Complete picture-steps to growing magnificent roses

The year 1963 offers two magnificent roses to add to your garden. Both these hybrid teas were chosen as All-America Rose Selections, the highest award an American rose can receive. Royal Highness (above), a frosty pink, dramatically fills the need for this subtle shade. Tropicana (right), is a glowing coral-orange. For sure success with these-- and any other-- roses, just fold out the pages.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: They got more from what they had!

Pages: 66, 67


They got more from what they had!

More of everything! More space for entertaining, more color, and more comfort. Martha and Dave Roberts, Inglewood, California, thought they didn't have enough room for the entertaining they like to do.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: How many ways could you use this room?

Pages: 68, 69


How many ways could you use this room?

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: What to know about stereo

Page: 104


What to know about stereo

If you're not a hobbyist, but the average person interested in having good music in your home, your choice is simply between two basic approaches to stereo: component sets and console units. Component stereo is not housed in one unit; instead, the various parts (record changer, amplifiers, speakers) are separate and can be arranged on shelves or tables. A console stereo unit usually has the record changer and amplifier in a cabinet.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: HOW TO SCORE BETTER ON TESTS

Pages: 106, 108, 109



To make good grades on tests and examinations, so vital to school success and college entrance, your youngster will need three forms of preparation. You can help him with all three. They are:

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: How, when, and why is a baby threatened by Rh trouble?

Pages: 110, 111


How, when, and why is a baby threatened by Rh trouble?

To begin with, 85 per cent of all women are classified Rh-positive, meaning that their blood contains the so-called Rh factor and they have no cause for worry; the problem will never affect them. Husbands of the remaining 15 per cent are asked to submit to an Rh test early in the wife's first pregnancy. About 15 per cent of the husbands also will be Rh-negative. When both husband and wife are Rh-negative, they are fully protected from trouble.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: How to order plans

Page: 113


How to order plans

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: SHOPPING BY MAIL With Better Homes & Gardens

Pages: 114, 115, 116, 117


SHOPPING BY MAIL With Better Homes & Gardens

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1963 Magazine Article: The man next door

Page: 118


The man next door

Whoever limited February to 28 days knew what he was doing.

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