Exciting new casual furniture!
Casual it is, if you're talking about upkeep. But this lighthearted furniture is not to be taken casually in terms of styling significance. It's blazing new trails in design and materials-- and earning a place of honor in the home-- indoors and out.
Read ArticleYour chance to sound off about taxes
You tell us what you think-- and we'll make your viewpoints known to legislators and tax policy makers at every level of government. And you have a chance to be one of 25 respondents who will receive a $500 incentive bonus. Please make this a family project, too. You'll help our editorial planning by sharing your combined views. Our editors will keep your reply in complete confidence, so be as candid as you wish (winners are drawn at random, and your answers can't influence your chances).
Read ArticleA Better Homes and Gardens tax survey
On this and the next three pages are 47 statements about taxes. The five boxes across from each statement represent your reactions, ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree." For each statement, please place an X in the box that most closely indicates your feelings. (Mark only one box per statement.) IMPORTANT: Be sure to read all the statements about each tax area before answering. Then you can be more thoughtful-- and you won't have contradictory answers. Please send any additional comments along on a separate sheet of paper.
Read ArticleHow to roast a pig
If you're pondering a party and you want to make it really smashing, try a pig roast! Be prepared to do detailed planning as well as some hard work. You'll find the resuits are delicious and well worth the effort.
Read ArticleWhat makes stock prices move?
Every one of the thousands of transactions that take place daily on the various stock exchanges represents a difference of opinion between buyer and seller. Yet there must be thousands of investors who never stop to think that when they buy or sell a stock, someone else is doing the exact opposite-- and for what he believes to be good reasons.
Read ArticleGood News
Recharge a tray of nickel-cadmium photo batteries in 15 minutes. This unique charger can even revive dead batteries.
Read ArticleIllness and injury: the legal steps you must know about
In the event of injury or illness, you probably will be concerned mostly with medical matters. But don't neglect the legal and monetary aspects, either. For some legal purposes, there is a difference between illness and injury. In general, injury may give rise to a claim against someone else; illness does not. Yet there are exceptions.
Read ArticleWhat can you do about stiff, aching muscles?
Most overstrained muscles stop aching, sooner or later, even without treatment. But they're misery while they hurt, and often they can cause quite serious (if temporary) disability. Fortunately, there are certain simple measures which may reduce the discomfort of acute muscle strain-- and perhaps prevent it altogether.
Read ArticleSummer fun and games
You've got the whole outdoors to choose from-- when you decide to put on a summer party. And now we show you just where and how to do it. This issue of Better Homes and Gardens is packed with ideas you can turn into great parties for adults, teen-agers, and youngsters. There's a formal garden party (opposite page), a rough-and-tumble treasure hunt (below), and lots more party scenes never thought of (on succeeding pages).
Read ArticleShould we have year-round schools?
Our present nine-month school year is an anachronism dating from the last century. Years ago, when children were important members of the labor force on the nation's farms, school operation had to conform to the needs of an agrarian economy. Schooling took second place to the seasonal demands of crops and herds.
Americans who tell you that Canada is much like the United States are talking about the basics. They mean, for instance, that you can be understood by most Canadians in the larger cities... that you drive on the same side of the road as at home... that you can decipher your change reasonably well after buying something... and that the menus aren't always as inscrutable as a copy of the Runestone.
Read ArticleShopping editor's choice
Discover the fun and convenience of shopping by mail! You can order with complete confidence any of the items shown: each company will refund your money if you're not delighted.
Read ArticleThe man next door
Christine found two plates in the basement and took them to an antique dealer for an appraisal. One of them is valuable and one isn't-- but she can't remember which is which, and is too embarrassed to go back and ask again.
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