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The enchanting witch doll pictured here is the work of Jan Hollebrands, a craftswoman who specializes in working with natural materials. You'll see more of Jan's work in our crafts story for this month, "Fall Designs to Dress Your Table." Jan worked with our crafts editors to develop some simple but beautiful projects, using weeds, vines, and such gathered on a sunny afternoon in the country.
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Raised in an affluent family, Neil was handsome and smart. Shortly before his 16th birthday, he walked to a nearby beach, undressed, and swam from shore until, totally exhausted, he drowned.
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Adopting a Foreign Child
Nine years ago, Fred and Judy Williamson of Des Moines, Iowa, decided to expand their family. Having already given birth to 2-year-old Jill, they thought this time they would adopt.
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Better Homes and Gardens DECORATING Contest
Each month we show you pictures of rooms from homes all over the country, and settings we create ourselves to provide you with good adaptable decorating ideas. It's time again for you to share your decorating ideas with us. Here's a chance to see your room pictured in Better Homes and Gardens-- and win cash and valuable merchandise prizes from our advertisers.
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You can have storage space wherever you need it when you build our "anything" cabinet. We show you how to build the basic shell of ¾-inch birch veneer plywood, but you can use the same plan with any ¾-inch-thick wood. Whatever material you choose, this cabinet is an attractive storage solution for any room in the house.
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Working on weekends, Don Pross expanded his 6X9-foot kitchen to more than twice its former size--using nothing more than a 7-inch circular saw, a power drill, a saber saw, and hand tools.
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A lin ice-cream cone used to cost a nickel, a three-piece suit $49.95, and a new four-door family sedan $600 and change. Now, so many years later, a dollar cone and a $250 suit don't seem out of line. But in 1983 the average cost of a new car, sold in the U.S., climbed past $10,000 ($11,274 last year). To most Americans, that is an extraordinary amount to pay for an automobile.
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Speaker Placement for Optimum Sound
Although one of the advantages of stereo components is flexibility of arrangement, you have to be careful where you put your speakers. Here's how to place them to get the best possible sound.
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Crisp autumn weather! It's the perfect time to get outdoors and plant spring-flowering bulbs. These foolproof flowers will grow and bloom anywhere your garden needs a dazzling dose of color.
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The beauty of winter squash is more than skin deep. Inside their decorative hard shells hides a sweet, buff-colored flesh that's low in calories and sodium and high in vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. Rely on these gorgeous gourds throughout the autumn and winter for healthful, tasty eating.
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When the DEBTS Pile Up
Even if your income is greater than ever, you may discover that you are seriously in debt. You're not alone. Professional debt counselors report that many more middle-income families are seeking help than in the past. Whatever the cause, it's important to recognize the danger signs early, swallow your pride, and take immediate steps to get back on solid financial footing.
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Animal Shelter Pets
All over the country, thousands of dogs and cats-- both mixed breeds and purebreds-- wait in shelters. These strategies will help you choose a loving companion.
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Who hasn't longed for "a place in the country" a relaxing week end or vacation spot? Maybe you can't afford such a luxury, but you can decorate your present home with getaway appeal in mind.
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Fall Designs To Dress Your Table
Natural decorations like Jan's complement autumn-inspired tableware patterns for fall dinners, afternoon teas, and casual buffets on any crisp, cold day. Such accessories as the Indian rug and shucks of wheat blend with the mood, and imaginative presentations capture instant interest.
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CHÈVRE The Chic Cheese Today
People have been happily feasting on goat's cheese (chèvre) for centuries. Chèvre (SHĚVur), French for "goat," has long been popular with modern sophisticates. Now American cheese lovers are buying more of it than ever before. In some specialty shops you can choose from up to 50 varieties, made in half a dozen countries.
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Apple Savvy
Be tempted by abundant, versatile apples! The fall crop is harvested, so now is the time to purchase apples at their best.
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How To Order... Special Bulb Offers and Cookware Featured This Month in Better Homes and Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens Family Shopping Service has selected the products shown below to help you re-create in your own home the ideas shown on our editorial pages. You save time because we've done the shopping for you. And you can be completely confident the bulb collections, cookware, and books presented on this page are of the highest quality and meet our strict standards of excellence.
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The Best Bargain CARIBBEAN Vacations
Now's the time for a Caribbean vacation. Prices are right, the weather is fine, and the selection of islands couldn't be better! That great escape you've been dreaming about can be easy on your budget.
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Shopping editor's choice
Discover the ease and pleasure of shopping by mail. Order from the convenience of your own home with complete confidence. If not delighted, each company will happily refund your money.
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Tom Hawkins had a ready excuse for not attending when Sue invited him along to aerobics class with her. "Computer back," he said, explaining, "I've got a floppy disk."
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