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Not long ago, I read the results of a survey done by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae). The survey measured how Americans feel about owning their own homes. It turns out that, by a 3-1 margin, folks would rather own their own homes than retire 10 years early.
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A birdwatcher's garden
Sandwiched between a salt marsh and the sea, Pat Bowman's 3-acre garden is a natural gathering place for local and migratory birds. Here, Pat's feathered visitors can dine on a year-round feast of berried-shrubs, trees, vines, herbs, flowers, and native plants.
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A global summer camp
What's the best way to learn a foreign language? Live it. At Concordia Language Villages in Bemidji, Minnesota, that's exactly what more than 5,000 youngsters aged 7 to 18 do every summer.
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Parent-teacher conferences: Seven ways to assure success
The National PTA and the National Education Association suggest these tips for better parent-teacher conferences:
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Second-chance scholarships for adults
Students older than 21 are popping up at colleges in ever-greater numbers. Surprisingly, they now make up nearly half of all college undergraduates.
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Get in the swing of playground safety
Playgrounds are not-so-funny places for kids nearly 250,000 times a year. That's how many children under the age of 15 end up in emergency rooms with playground injuries, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
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Teaching kids to save
Tell your kids to break open the piggy bank. School savings programs are gaining interest among schools nationwide. One program, cosponsored by The White House and the U.S.
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Some parents think that brains are the key to school success. They overload their kids with "enrichment" experiences-- trips to museums, art lessons, and nothing but educational toys. These are worthwhile experiences, but longterm success in school takes respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness.
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HOME of the year
Prairie flowers and microchips. Shake shingles and parallel-strand beams. Lattice and solid-surface acrylics. Our Home of the Year, nestled into a sun-dappled grove in the Iowa countryside, merges cutting-edge technology with time-honored tradition and romance. Let our home of the year steal your heart, then let it show you how push-button convenience and natural grace go hand in hand, putting you and your family in tune with the '90s.
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Cottage Decorating
Let the feeling of summer breeze through your rooms year-round with the carefree air of a cottage getaway. Sunny colors, inviting furniture, and outdoorsy accessories can transform any home into a summery retreat. Stroll with us through this cozy cottage to see how it's done.
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Cats make wonderful companions. Here's how to care for your pet from the day you bring it home until it reaches senior-citizen status.
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This plan merges the roomy layout of a basic ranch home with classical styling and modern amenities. From curbside, the front porch columns and symmetrical windows and gables lend a Greek revival flair.
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With each recipe, we give nutrition information. We list the calorie count of each serving and the amount, in grams, of fat, cholesterol, protein, carbohydrate, sodium, and fiber.
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Ranch vacations take you to ruggedly beautiful countrysides where you can live your fantasy of the west, complete with cowpoke garb and romantic trail rides. Pioneer hospitality and old-fashioned friendliness round out the scene. It's a hard-to-beat combination.
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It's that grand time of year again-- time for the Fourth Annual Great American Yard Sale. This fund-raising event is sponsored by members of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Service to help homeless families throughout the country. Sale proceeds are shared by our nonprofit organization, The Better Homes Foundation, and programs in your community. So scout through your home and garage for items to contribute, then bring your checkbook to the big sale. Check the following list for events close to your home; call for details.
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Aunt Opal called last week to report that she had no idea how the fall elections will turn out, but she notes that all the leaves on her neighbor's sycamore tree apparently have voted to land on her side of the fence.
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