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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: Between friends

Page: 10


Between friends

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: No-Count Cross-Stitch Sampler

Page: 10


No-Count Cross-Stitch Sampler

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: Fabric Walls

Pages: 17, 18, 20, 22


Fabric Walls

Think of walls as more than wood and plaster. Draping, upholstering, even creating a new wall in fabric adds another dimension of warmth, pattern, and texture to a room.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: The Affordable Nanny

Pages: 24, 26, 27


The Affordable Nanny

If you thought nannies just took care of the children of the rich and famous, think again. With a little creativity and flexibility, you may be able to make in-home child care an affordable option for your family.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: Hot Careers for the Class of 2000

Pages: 30, 32


Hot Careers for the Class of 2000

By the year 2005, almost 150 million people will be employed in the U.S. That's nearly a 12 percent increase over today's workforce. But not many of these employees will receive a gold watch for 30 years of service to the firm.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: Trends

Pages: 37, 38, 40, 42



Look what the New Year blew in: fresh ideas to help yon make the most of '97. Whether you're talking about the way you live, what you eat, or the things you grow, the key word is "flexibility."

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: Friendship Gardens

Pages: 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73


Friendship Gardens

Back in 1922, a newcomer moved into America's neighborhoods and became a trusted friend. For 75 years now, Better Homes and Gardens has inspired American families to weave its ideas into their daily lives-- a legacy we'd like to celebrate with you. Please join us as we retrace the development of our magazine, from its birth as Fruit, Garden and Home to its current role as America's leading source of ideas for home and family.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: The new food garden

Pages: 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83


The new food garden

You've probably noticed food gardening has changed. The man in bib overalls hoeing beans in the backyard-- a fixture of the days when BH&G started out as Fruit, Garden and Home-- has given way to busy couples planting herbs in containers and tucking tomatoes and greens into the flower bed. Meanwhile, fruit trees have moved out of the orchard and into the landscape where they hide the neighbor's garage or shade a patio-- and yield fruit. We're learning: What tastes good can also look good.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: Living with the blues

Pages: 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90


Living with the blues

Making a fresh start doesn't have to mean abandoning the past, as Cynthia Moat recently discovered. Her move to a new town house offered a chance to mix treasured antiques with cozy fabrics and a crisp blue-and-white palette for a friendly look that's familiar and new.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: Taste of Tuscany rich flavor, old-world flair

Pages: 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101


Taste of Tuscany rich flavor, old-world flair

Tuscany is a land of traditions, not trends-- a place where artisans still pass down centuries-old crafts from generation to generation. The craft of cooking is no different. So when Tina Mehan, a native of the Italian region, wanted to bring the spirit of Tuscany to the heart of her home in Northern California, she began in the kitchen.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: The New Food Garden

Page: 141


The New Food Garden

If you are interested in duplicating the edible landscapes presented in our gardening feature on pages 75-83, we have made special arrangements with specialty growers, seed suppliers, and nurseries to offer you the opportunity to purchase the items you'll need to get started.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: The Shopper's Mart

Pages: 142, 143, 144, 145


The Shopper's Mart

Discover the ease and pleasure of shopping by mail. Order from the convenience of your own home with complete confidence.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1997 Magazine Article: the man next door JANUARY 1997

Page: 146


the man next door JANUARY 1997

Elaine Cowan says her social life is a lot like her VCR-- it's difficult to set and likely to die when her power goes out.

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